mobile app


YidaNet provides extensive mobile app development services for individual and corporate clients.

what we do

Our Services

About Our Company

BestSoftware Company

YidaNet helps users all over the world to improve their business by using better software. We were founded in 2014 and since then we have been delivering the best apps for you.




of Code



Custom Software Development

Let us design a unique application that will help you improve your business and manage it better.

We design custom apps for different business spheres and clients. Our team will take into account all your wishes and needs to make the best app for you.

Cloud & Network Consulting Services

With the development of cloud & network technologies, we began to offer consulting services to help our customers:

  • Easily manage their business online
  • Improve their profit and sales
  • Establish a reliable network with our software
Pricing plans

Choose Your Plan

We offer three different plans that cover the needs of modern startups and businesses. They are provided via monthly or annual payments for your convenience.

Award-winning software

We’ll Develop Any Application For You

It’s time to increase your profit and achieve better results for your business! Browse our apps or contact us directly to enhance your business experience.